
  • HORIZON KDT-JU EdgeAI-Trust (2024-2027) - Decentralized Edge Intelligence: Advancing Trust, Safety, and Sustainability in Europe

  • ANR MODELAGE (2024-2027) - Modelling of vascular microstructures evolution from very high-resolution synchrotron imaging - Normal vs accelerated aging prediction

  • PEPR BBEST AMARETTO  (2023-2026) - Approche combinant outils Analytiques et apprentissage Machine pour identifier des mArqueurs et prédire la RéacTiviTé de la bioMasse en hydrolyse enzymatique

  • CAPES-Cofecub AEROBI (2023-2026) - AERosol Observations over Brazil and Impacts

  • Climat-AmSud B2IST (2023-2024- Biomass Burning and Impacts in the Southern Tropics

  • HORIZON KDT-JU EdgeAI (2022-2025) - Edge AI Technologies for Optimised Performance Embedded Processing

  • DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU EuroCC 2 (2022-2025) - National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC Phase 2
  • EUROHPC-JU EUMaster4HPC (2022-2025) - European Master for High Performance Computing
  • ANR LUCE (2021-2024) - Light-Transport Simulation and Machine Learning

  • PIA3 Equipex TERRA FORMA (2021-2028) - Designing and testing a smart observatory of socio-ecological systems in Athropocene

  • H2020 AI4DI (2019-2022) - Artificial Intelligence for the Digitizing Industry

  • ANR HT-COVID (2020-2021) - High-Throughput Computational Identification of Virus Inhibitors Designed to Tackle COVID-19

  • RGE E-COVISION (2020-2022) - Observatoire Numérique Prévisionnel du COVID en Région Grand Est

  • RGE SmartAgri (2019-2021) - Vers l'OAD (outils d'aide à la décision) de 2ème génération pour l'agriculture

  • CAPES-Cofecub - MESO (2017-2021) - Modélisation et prédiction des Effets Secondaires de la couche d’Ozone antarctique

  • STIC-AmSud - CC-SEM (2017-2018)Cloud Computing for Smart-City Energy Management

  • STIC-AmSud - PER-MARE (2013-2014) - Adaptive Deployment of MapReduce-based Applications over Pervasive and Desktop Grid Infrastructures

  • BQR - CloudFIT (2013) - Développement d'un moteur de déploiement et exécution d'applications métier sur un cluster. 

  • CPER - CapSec-ROFICA (2010-2012) - Routage fiable et réaliste d'informations sur réseaux de capteurs

  • ANR - USS SimGrid (2009-2011) - Ultra Scalable Simulations with SimGrid




  • LaPIe - MPI grid-aware collective communications - LaPIe is a MPI library with collective communication optimized for grid environments. It extends the classical MagPIe library through the use of dynamical topology clustering, multi-level communications and a poly-algorithm approach (associate with performance predictions) to select the bet algorithm for each different cluster.

  • CONFIIT - Computation Over a Network with Finite number of Irregular Independent Tasks - CONFIIT is a middleware for distributed computing. It is based on a P2P overlay to distribute tasks, compute and gather results in a fault-tolerant way.